Wednesday, November 5, 2014

FAT SEX?!?!? How dare we??

How dare we even talk about fat sex?
What has gotten into us??? Lol.

Well as a plus size women myself, size 14 to be exact, this topic is exactly what I want to talk about.

If I can get a little personal for a second, I love to have sex. I am not ashamed of my body enough to not do it, and I am comfortable enough to take off my clothes in front of a man.

It is so typical for people to frown their face up at a sex scene like the one in the show Homeland. I mean what is wrong with a fat girl and a "average size" man having sex. Happens all the time, I'm sure. But it's just not on camera. Maybe that was the issue. Or maybe people are still not accepting of it.

As much as people try to be accepting of bigger people, they aren't. Some think we are disgusting and other think we just need to stay at home and be depressed. But I have news for them. Big girls are IN and WINNING. There are plenty of people who love and appreciate bigger women.

For Abercrombie & Fitch to not make plus size shirts for females but make them for males is very sexist if you ask me. It is basically accepting that men can be fat and out of shape but women can't. We are always expected to be pretty, clean and in shape.

It is already hard enough for a larger person to go day to day without seeing all these diet, exercise, gym and weight loss commercials. Some of us know we need to lose weight but nothing can happen until that person is ready to as well.

Contrary to popular belief, a lot of heavier people have great health and are not the ones with diseases. But yet all these "skinny" and "healthy" people are dying all over the place. Seems to me as if we aren't the only ones with "health issues".

Granted, being overweight is unhealthy because your organs have to work twice as hard to pump blood and you are putting a lot of weight on your legs, but who says everyone was meant to be a size 6? Some people look nice and healthy with a little weight on. Others tend to look sickly without weight.

In order for one to accept their body appearance, they just have to know what they want and are comfortable with. I know personally, since I have lost a little weight I am able to see more of my neck and my stomach has gone down and I can turn in the mirror and see an actual shape instead of being round at the waist. I think for me once I started seeing results with working out, it motivated me to continue on and see how far I can get.

Being sexy is all about your mindset. You cannot let another person determine if how you look is sexy or not. I also think being sexy has a lot to do with your attitude. You can be the prettiest girl with the nastiest attitude and that automatically makes you ugly.

Everyone is entitled to pleasure. You can be both the giver and receiver. My only hope is that one practices safety while participating in any sexual escapades.

I think the porn industry has only scratched the surface of showing plus size women in porn. It is going to take more than porn to get the point across through. Not everyone watches porn. These images will have to somehow make their way into mainstream Internet, TV, Magazines, etc in order to really be exposed and later, accepted.

I think the images in the readings were beautiful. I love a full figured woman. And I love it even more that she was posing with an average size man. Just goes to show she has confidence and can publicly display her body in a classy way.

As far as the word slut goes, I see it as women who just enjoy sex as much as you do. Take the word hoe for example, I take that word to mean, if people know all your sexual partners. I do believe your sex life should be as private as possible. You can't simply look at a person and tell they've had sex with multiple women/men. You only know what people allow you to know.

Those are my thoughts.

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