Friday, November 14, 2014

Writing Response #7

Since my major is Criminal Justice, I think I want to focus on the LGBT community on the police force and in the jail. This is not a very talked about topic but it is very prevalent in today’s society.
I want to focus on what the officers go through, how they come out or if they even come out at all.

I also want to talk about the LGBT community from the prisoner’s perspective. I will talk about what they go through, how they are housed and what they experience while incarcerated.

My paper/topic relates to the theme of the class because our class focuses on gender and sexuality and I figured the LGBT Community would be a great topic to touch on since I haven't all semester. This will give you an almost inside look at how this community is treated or not treated while behind bars.

I believe my only challenge will be finding various sources of information. I've done a light search online and the internet has many articles and law pages regarding the LGBT Community but I am not too sure I will find the same in books. 

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